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The Box Jump: Why Do We Love it so Much?

The biggest benefit of plyometric box jumps is that it improves the reaction of fast-twitch muscle fibres throughout the body. This exercise requires your leg and core muscles to contract quickly to generate maximal force in your jump.

Secondly, the deceleration phase (landing) helps decrease the risk of injury and increase your body's ability to make sudden stops.

This translates to help build muscle size and conditioning because the higher and more explosive you jump, the more muscle tissue is activated. Box jumps are also very demanding on the metabolic system, therefore they are a good exercise to incorporate for fat-burning training.


Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club

1233 Dillon Road

Burlington, ON. Canada 


Fitness, Etc.

6901 Derry Road

Milton, ON. Canada


Tel: 905-462-4471

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