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Why to Include Healthy Fats in Your Diet

Whenever we think of the word "fats", we tend to shy away from it. This may be from the word's relation to fat on the body, or people always telling us to STOP consuming fats because they're "bad" for us.

There's a fine line between unhealthy fats and healthy fats. Unhealthy fats can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. For example: A cheeseburger with fries contains 28 grams of unhealthy fats.. that's 2 grams off of HALF the recommended fat intake based on a 2000 calorie diet.. and without the desert. Healthy fats on the other hand, will provide you with more energy throughout the day, lower your risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and more. Did you know you could eat a filet of salmon as your source of healthy fats and protein, with a side of rice and vegetables and still have consumed less calories than just a cheeseburger and fries?

It's about choosing the right fats in the right amounts.

Healthy sources of fats include:

Nuts/Nut Butters


Whole Egg

Oils (Preferably MCT, Vegetable and Coconut)


Dark Chocolate (Higher % Cacao the better)

Chia Seeds

Greek Yogurt

The list goes on... and on...

Incorporating fats in your diet is simpler than it seems, and it's loaded with benefits...

1. Better Body Composition

2. More Muscle

3. Easier Fat Loss

4. Better Reproductive Health

5. Better Brain Function and Decreased Risk of Depression

6. Decreased Risk of Cancer

7. Better Skin and Eye Health

8. Stronger Immune System

Once again.. the list goes on.. and on..

Stay tuned for next week's blog post. Let's get out there and Reach Our Apex today.


Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club

1233 Dillon Road

Burlington, ON. Canada 


Fitness, Etc.

6901 Derry Road

Milton, ON. Canada


Tel: 905-462-4471

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