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Why Success is About Action

Conrad Hilton once said: "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."

When having a dream, it is the action that is required to transform these into goals. If one had a dream, and only dreamed of it their entire life, they would not accomplish what they're dreaming about. However, if one took action to that dream, it would be transformed into a goal, and if paired with consistency and persistency, the chances of achieving this goal will increase. Life is about taking risks, it is about taking action and doing a little more each day to achieve your goal, even if it may frighten you. Eventually, if we are to do a little each day, it will accumulate to a large amount, in contrast to doing nothing every day, where no progress will be made.

Ultimately, we must develop a plan rooted from our dreams, and take action to transform this into a goal. Have a dream. Develop a plan. Take action. Develop a goal. Be consistent. Achieve that goal.

Stay tuned for next week's blog post.


Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club

1233 Dillon Road

Burlington, ON. Canada 


Fitness, Etc.

6901 Derry Road

Milton, ON. Canada


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