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apex fitness

Your fitness - our priority. 

At Apex Fitness, we are committed to our clients, and helping you reach your goals with a fun, effective and an affordable approach. It's time to ignore the scale, and allow the process to be your goal.

Apex Fitness started up with a small idea and a passion for fitness in 2015, when Aaron was a grade 12 student. Healthy living and fitness quickly grew an interest in Aaron's heart, and the idea of being able to change peoples' lives found its' way into his heart. Since opening Apex Fitness, our team has helped several clients reach their health and fitness goals with several different approaches. 

At Apex Fitness, we offer fun and exciting workouts. This means saying goodbye to every workout on the same equipment, and saying hello to functional exercises, and engaging drills. We also offer flexible payment plans, which will help keep some extra cash in your pocket, but help you reach your goals at the same time. Having several certifications in different fields of study in health and fitness, the team at Apex Fitness will provide a scientific-based approach to ensure effective workouts. 


Contact Apex Fitness today to see how all of our clients have reached success, and how you can conquer new heights.


Burlington Fitness and Racquet Club

1233 Dillon Road

Burlington, ON. Canada 



Fitness, Etc.

6901 Derry Road

Milton, ON. Canada



Tel: 905-462-4471


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© 2016 Apex Fitness

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